Writing is like playing sports?

Hi everyone, Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.   Being with family is wonderful most of the time and hope none were stressed out. Last Cliches: (I always include cliches in my writing and you find them.  Next writing I explain which ones I used and what they...

Writing the novel in one month….

Is everyone writing like crazy out there?  Doing the Nano writing?  Wish I was, but working hard on my Redwood Writers website trying to get over 211 members listed with their genres and links to their blogs/websites and getting out a master roster for members. Last...

Back to querying…

Well, I’m still working on that all important query letter.  A never-ending project for me. But first: Last cliches: All-time High– A record achievement , never before surpassed.  This is an Americanism, early 20th Cent.  This term has been applied to...


I just went to the Redwood Writers Conference this weekend and it was so inspiring.  Talking with other writers, going to workshops, and enjoying camaraderie was uplifting and my mission statement for my writing is helping readers enjoy sleuthing and solving puzzles;...

Life gets in the Way….

Can’t believe how Life can get in the way of your blogging!  It’s been almost a month since I’ve posted.  I’ve been fishing, sick, to a 40th class reunion, and sick.  Can’t seem to shake the cold I caught! Well enough about me-...