How many blogs do you have bookmarked?  How do you find the time to write on your own blog and read the others?

Past Cliches:

go haywire–run amok, hopelessly entangled or break down.  Origin=2 theories: American – came from the practice of using old baling wire to make repairs which would be a makeshift solution; upheld by H. L. Mencken -the difficulty of handling coils of wire used for bundling hay, which usually became entangled.

old college try–do the best you can, even if you think it is a hopeless cause.  Slangy Americanism dates from 1930s when college football films became popular in the U.S.  one of the cheers to urge the team on. used now ironically.

in the swim–actively engaged, in the thick of things.  Term comes from fishing, where a large number of fish in one location sometimes called a “swim.”  now means main current of affairs.  Dates from mid-19th Cent. See Arthur Conan Doyle (The Stock-broker’s Clerk, 1893)

pure and simple–plainly so, without amplification or dilution.  Dates from 19th Cent. Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest (1895).

So how many cliches are you catching?  Hope you’re enjoying them.

Now back to reading other blogs….

How do you keep an eye on so many others blogs?  I keep a bookmark for my friend’s blogs and some are not even listed in there.  I just counted.  There are 32 listed and those aren’t counting the blogs from agents and some of my writing groups blogs.  So how do you run the gamut of all of the blogs and read them?  I barely have time to write anymore, let alone visit all of the blogs I’d like to.

Maybe in my old age I’m slowing down and don’t have the energy, but it’s hard for me to find time to write, work, and blog, let alone read other blogs.  Someone suggested you spend five minutes a day or maybe set aside one to to read and blog.  Think that would work?  Has anyone tried it?  How do you manage all the blogs out there from your friends, important blogs sites, etc?

Sometimes I feel like a museum piece.  I can’t even write on my computer.  I have to write on paper, then type it out, otherwise I get too sidetracked.  Maybe I’ll set a specific time aside and work on this blog problem.  Let me know how you handle it.

Until next time, Keep writing!