Well, I’m back.  Did you find the last cliche?

A Lost Cause: an undertaking doomed to fail. Early uses: from 1860s–New York Hearld July 2, 1868 referred to South’s civil war and in Essays in Criticism, 1865 description of Oxford Univ. as “the home of lost causes”.

Well, I finally got brave and submitted my first chapter to my working novel called Birthmark to my on-line critique group.  The responses I’ve received so far have been very helpful and I’m glad I joined this group again.  Not only do I get the “good’ from the group, but also what they don’t like, which is the most important part of the group.  I like hearing what’s good, but it’s what’s not working that is so important to get feedback on.  If it’s a lot of hooey I want to know about it.  They also let me know the big picture and what they think about it.

An example of my writing from Birthmark, Ch 1 is my opening paragraph:  The long, thin-bladed knife slipped into the soft white underbelly, ripping the stomach open.  Entrails exploded.  Most of the group thought this was a good opening paragraph.

Joining this critique group will be a great asset to my writing and am looking forward to more comments from them.  I’m also trying to critique most of their stuff, but not doing everyone as it is too much and I’d never get any writing done.

Check out their website on my link.  All writers need critiques of some sort.

Until next time, Keep Writing,
