Went to a great talk the other day. But first–

Last Clichés:

Don’t Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth—Accept a gift in good faith. Dates from St. Jerome’s biblical commentary (c. A.D. 420) on St. Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians. It’s based on fact that a horse’s age is revealed by its teeth. Looking inside a horse’s mouth therefore will tell you if someone is passing off an old nag for a spry colt. The same expression is found in French, Italian, Portuguese, and other languages.

Captive Audience – An audience that cannot escape a particular presentation—a play, speech, sermon, etc. I.E. “the preacher always makes his sermon twice as long on big holidays—he knows he’s got a captive audience.” Originated in the U.S. about 1900.

Did you find them?

Heard JoAnn Bassett the other day. Her talk on Self-Publishing: Professional Results on a Shoestring Budget hit the spot. (See: www.joannbassett.com).

She spoke about Print Publishing and ran out of time and didn’t get a chance to speak about E-book Publishing.

The nuts and bolts of her print publishing talk:

  1. Determine your goal and budget
  2. Fine-tune your manuscript
  3. Have it proofread by at least two people (besides yourself)
  4. Make corrections
  5. Add the “necessary” pages: i.e., a information page at beginning or end to establish your ownership and prevent lawsuits. It includes the copyright and ISBN number of your book
  6. Write the book “blurb”
  7. Set up the interior pages for on-demand printing (Adobe Acrobat) Do on your own by using CreateSpace templates or have someone do for you.
  8. Create a cover: graphics, text, and photo: You can either create your own cover or hire someone to create the cover for you. Make sure you get FREE graphics or photos that say “royalty-free” images.  Text for your cover includes: Title, Sub-title (if any), author’s name, a very short synopsis of the book (the book “blurb”), author photo, a short author bio, barcode, isbn and spine.
  9. Do the on-line set-up on CreateSpace.com: Getting your book into print using CreateSpace is easy and free. There’s a step by step process and even have templates for you.
  10. Set a per unit price
  11. Order a preview copy and review and reread for errors and/or omissions
  12. Order copies to have on hand for book signings or reviews

Using CreateSpace.com to self-publish your book is not chasing rainbows. It has how-to do information for all the above.  It’s free and they walk you through all the steps.

I used it for my two books: Night Terror and Vanity Killed. I will use them for my next book, but I may have my cover designer from Vanity Killed do not only the cover design again, but she also formats the interior for an inexpensive fee. Would be well-worth it.


Keep Writing,

