
First, last weeks’ cliches’:

Stay the Course –  Hold out or last to the end.  Alludes to a horse that runs the entire race course.  Dates from mid-1800s and soon went to other venues.  London Times used it during WWI “If we are to stay the course….(5/18/1916)

Hope Springs Eternal – Human nature to keep on hoping against all odds.  Expression coined by Alexander Pope in An Essay on Man  (1732)   became proverbial; quoted by Robert Burns and Charles Dickens, among many others.

In a Word – Briefly, concisely.  Usually followed by a fair number of words – used by Shakespeare in Two Gentlemen of Verona and favored by Dickens’s more verbose characters like Mr. Micawber.

Seat of my Pants – Using guesswork, experience, or instinct rather than a scientific or calculatedmethod.  Originated among WWII Avaiators – flying without instruments.  Subsequent decades used in other activities.

Get the Lead out of my Feet –  Get going, stop delaying.  Lead is heavy so expression fairly clear.  other variants for feet = pants, britches, etc.  shortened to get the lead out.  Originated in America, first half of 20th Cent. and widely used in WWII.

Which all lead back to writing or procrastinating when you don’t feel like doing something, especially writing.

Even when you’re in a blue funk you still should write.  Maybe you don’t feel like it, but I can talk til I’m blue in the face and maybe you will and maybe you won’t write.

But write is what you should do when you don’t want to and that goes for everything in life.  When you don’t want to, just between you and me: That’s when you do it!

So, write, write and write some more, even if you don’t feel like it or want to.

I’m going fishing and writing, so see you in two weeks!
