Writing on a New Book, Finally!

Well, it’s been a very long time since I’ve written on my blog. Had my administrator update it and have every intention of continuing to blog more. Last Clichés: Couch Potato—A lazy individual who prefers watching TV to other leisure activities. A slang expression...

Exercise Prompt to get one Writing!

Hope all of you are doing well, during these trying times. I’m doing well, but haven’t written since my last Blog. First, last clichés: Fraught with Danger — Very risky. Fraught with means “full of” and is rarely used today except in the sense of something...

Writing during trying times?

Hope all of you are doing well, during this stay-at-home time. I’m doing well, but haven’t written on Blog much. First, last clichés: All in a Day’s work– Considered a normal part of a person’s routine or job. Goes back to the 18th century, used often, both...


Hope you’re all safe and doing well during these stay at home times. First – last clichés: Chilling Out– Calm down, take it easy. This dates to 1980. It alludes to being “cool,” i.e. laid back or clever. Chips are Down– Either the situation is...