by Julie A. Winrich | Mar 1, 2019 | Blogging
Hope your new year is going well. Haven’t been on for a while, so will explain below. But first,… Last Clichés: Bound and Determined–Firmly resolved. This is a redundant phrase because both participles mean “fixed” or “resolute.” However they do serve for...
by Julie A. Winrich | Dec 4, 2018 | Creating Your Self-Published Book, Publishing, Writing
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and are writing every day. Last Clichés: Going to Town– To do something with much enthusiasm and/or do something successfully. This is a 19th century Americanism. Probably refers to the special treat of a trip to town for...
by Julie A. Winrich | Nov 18, 2018 | Creating Your Book Business, Creating Your Self-Published Book, Selling Your Book
Well, it’s almost Thanksgiving. Hope you have a good turkey day. First, Last Clichés: Does the Trick–Succeed, accomplish something. This dates from the early 19th century. “Trick” means an accomplishment. i.e. “Add salt to the water and that should do the...
by Julie A. Winrich | Oct 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Hope you have a great day and here’s some more information from the Expo I attended: First, Last clichés: And then Some–More of the same, a great deal more. This is used in context like: “Your house needs new paint, a new roof, new pool,...
by Julie A. Winrich | Oct 17, 2018 | Publishing, Selling Your Book, Writing
The first session at the expo was by Sandra Beckwith from, “how to Creat a Killer Book Marketing Plan.” I took great notes and I’ll tell you as much as I can remember, and then some. But… First, Last Clichés: You Said It—I couldn’t agree more, you...