How important is Social Media?

It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged. I’m going to let it all hang out and let you know that I haven’t written here because I’ve been too busy helping take care of others when they were ill. No excuse, but that’s the sign of the times, taking care of loved ones as they...

Book marks and branding

I’m proofing my new book – Night Terror – right now! It will soon be ready to publish. First, last post’s clichés: All present and accounted for– Everyone or everything is all here. Originated in the military as a response to roll call....

Proofing your new book

Well, it’s been awhile again, but here I am. Clichés first: Chew the fat–To chatter informally. Chewing the rag-19th Cent.- was used in Great Britain-a colloquial term for grumbling or complaining-some say it was an army term for persisting in an argument....

Business cards

First things first. How many clichés did you find? Lay to rest- Settle something with finality or bury. Re bury= expression dates from late 19th century. Rest in the sense of death has been used since the 1400s. In regards to finality= earlier expressed as set at rest...